Strawberry caipiroska
Well, there is not much to say about this interesting drink, it is one of the many variations of caipiriña, the Brazilian national drink. It always meets the taste when I propose it and it is very popular with men and women. There are many variations with different fruits that can satisfy many palates, the important thing is the basic preparation of the fruit to be inserted. If you always use fresh fruit and a little syrup for the preparation, the taste will be much better than the simple addition of various syrups. Always remember that the fruit preparation must be consumed within a few hours, in a short time the fruit loses its characteristics and you risk serving a drink without character.
The preparation is simple, in a tumbler (I use it a little tall and slightly flared - it gives a nice image-) put a spoon full of raw cane sugar, cut half a lime into eight parts and pound it with sugar , add the ice to fill the glass and pour a generous dose of vodka, 6 cl. approximately, leaving space for the strawberry smoothie that is inserted last. It is heavier than vodka and can be mixed better. A good stir and with the addition of a strawberry or lime wedge on the rim of the glass and the straws the drink is ready. Now if you like you can see the video. Until next time....
If you like it, offer me a coffee ... I would be very grateful 😏
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